Baguio City National High School Profile

School Profile

Baguio City National High School (BCNHS) is a public school or public institute of education which located in Gov. Pack Road, Baguio City, Benguet. It was established in 1916 as Baguio Trade School. But, it has changed to be Mountain Province High School (MPHS) after three years. But, now this school have one main campus in Gov. Pack Road and annexes located in Hillside and Fort del Pilar.

This school have a High School Program that caters student from grade 7 to 12. Senior High School Program have some tracks to offer which are :

  • Academic Track composed by Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM), General Academic Strand (GAS), and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS).
  • Technical Vocational Livelihood composed by Automotive, Bread and Pastry 
  • Arts and Design
  • Sports
In addition to the said offering, the school also has special program in Journalism, Sports, and the Arts as well as an Open High School Program (OHSP) for those who cannot attend regular classes. Choosing the right program can help the student to set their future goals and visualize where they want to be. whether they want to be an engineer, a teacher, an accountant, or they want to level up in their profession, making themself informed with the right choices will surely back them up in the future.

Academic Support System

BCNHS has a good academic support system for the process of study which are Library that complete enough to give references for students. It also has School Clinics that really important and clean. Next, it has hall for the students or teachers meeting. BCNHS also has a schoolyard and sometimes they use it for prepare the parade of Baguio City. BCNHS also has a stadium for sports which is really big and great. The school also has Laboratory, Chapel, and Conselor room. 

Beside that, This school also provided by the Government of the Philippines under the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education in Philippines provide the school since Pre-School until Senior High School. We can say that most of the school in Philippines provided by the Government, so the student do not have to pay for twelve years education. The Government has guarentee of that by the constitution, and in 2009 the Ministry announced that the free mandatory of education increase until fifteen years.

Teaching System

Before we start teaching, we should make our lesson plan which consist of the topics and the session. For every session of teaching we have an hour to complete the topics. In that one hour the teacher can explain to the student through the active discussion class. The teacher also use Power Point Presentation to help the student get the important point of the topic.

The main focus of the learning process is the student, the teacher have to lead the student to construct their concept and active to give their opinion so that the teacher can measure their understanding about the topic. The teacher also must be the fasilitator of the student, which means support the student to find the true answer so they can understand the topic well. The final output is the student become a better person.

Materials and Learning Sources

In the classroom the student do not allow to use the Smartphone during the lesson. The source that can be used by the students only the textbook. For help the student understand the topic, the teacher should provide the other learning sources, and also instructional materials. It should appropriate with the subject of teaching. For example, the teacher can use picture and then explain it. The teacher also can use the manila paper, and cartolina to write down the important point of the topic and post it on the blackboard. So, the materials will adjust the subject and should increase the passion of the student to study. 

Measurement and Evaluation System

The teacher usually give the task for the student in the end of the session to measure their  understanding. The various task can given by the teacher according to the method that the teacher used. For example, when the teacher use Cooperative Learning method, the task can finished by the group. The teacher also can give the individual task when the teacher use conventional method. 

According to the result, if the student get a low score which means they still can not understand the topic, the teacher will recall the topic in the next session to make them more understand.
BCNHS also has a examination in every quarter to measure their understanding for the topics that they have learned. They have a remedial for the student that get the low score and can not reach the standard.


Philippines use K12 curriculum, also BCNHS. The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

K to 12 make the curriculum relevant to learners by use the local cultures as an example. For example, songs, activities, poems, stories, and illustration based on culture, history, and reality. This make the lesson easy to understand. Student acquire in depth-knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through continuity and consistency across all levels and subjects.

For the Senior High School is two years of specialized upper secondary eduacation. Student may choose a specialization based on aptitude, interests, and school capacity. The choice of career track will define the content of the subjects a student will take in Grade 11 and 12. Senior High School subjects fall under either the Core Curriuculum or specific tracks. 

Teaching Plan

BCNHS use a Daily Lesson Log for their teaching plan. Daily Lesson Log consists of Learning Obejctives, Learning Assesment, Learning Content, Learning Procedures, and Assigment. One Daily Lesson Log can use for a week learning process, and has a different topics in every session. It is more general teaching plan but the teacher should follow it correctly. 


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