BCNHS Teaching Plan


Philippines use K12 curriculum, also BCNHS. The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

K to 12 make the curriculum relevant to learners by use the local cultures as an example. For example, songs, activities, poems, stories, and illustration based on culture, history, and reality. This make the lesson easy to understand. Student acquire in depth-knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through continuity and consistency across all levels and subjects.

For the Senior High School is two years of specialized upper secondary eduacation. Student may choose a specialization based on aptitude, interests, and school capacity. The choice of career track will define the content of the subjects a student will take in Grade 11 and 12. Senior High School subjects fall under either the Core Curriuculum or specific tracks. 

Teaching Plan Related to Your Major

Before we start teaching, we have to make a Daily Lesson Log. According to my major I have to teach Philippines Constitutions. This is the example of my teaching plan. 

Monday(January 14, 2018)
Tuesday (January 15, 2019)
Wednesday(January 16, 2019)
Thursday (January 17, 2019)
Friday (January 18, 2019)

A.      Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
1.       the historical background of Phillippine democratic politics, the executive, the legislative, the judiciary, and local governance.
B.      Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to…
1.       explain the roles of different political institutions.
C.      Learning Competencies/
The learners:
1.       discuss the roles and responsibilities of the Philippine Senate and the House of Representatives (HUMSS_PG12Ii-27)
2.       assess the performance of the Philippine Congress (HUMSS_PG12Ii-28)
3.       appraise the impact of Congress’s performance on Philippine development (HUMSS_PG12Ii-29)
4.       articulate a position or advocacy to a Philippine legislator through a formal correspondence (HUMSS_PG12Ii-30)

D.      Specific Objectives*
The learners:
1.       Identify and explain the nature of the Legislative Branch
2.       Identify and explain the composition of the Legislative Branch
3.       Construct a mind map about the Legislative Branch.
The learners:
1.       Identify and explain the qualifications and tenure of the Legislative Branch
2.       Explain the congressional tribunals
3.       Assess the performance of the Philippine Congress through Group Investigation
The learners:
1.   Identify and explain the roles and responsibilities of the Philippine senate and the House of Representatives 
2.   appraise the impact of Congress’s performance on Philippine development through critique paper
The learners:
1.    Review the topics for the examination.
The learners:
1 Analyze a teacher made test about Philippine Politics and Governance
I.    The nature of the Legislative Branch
II.  The Composition
I.       Qualifications
II.     Tenure of the Legislative Branch
III.  Congressional tribunals
I.       The Power of the Congress
II.     Legislative process
I.     Introduction
II.   Political Ideology
IV. State, Nation, and Globalization
V.   Philippines Democratic Politic
VI.  Executive Branch
I.     Introduction
II.   Political Ideology
IV. State, Nation, and Globalization
V.   Philippines Democratic Politic
VI.  Executive Branch

A.     References
1.      Teacher’s Guide Pages
2.      Learner’s Materials Pages
3.      Textbook Pages
4.      Additional Materials  from Learning Resource Portal
B.     Other Learning Resources
1.   Dannug, R.R. (2005) Politics and Governance. Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc.
2.   De Leon, H.S.(2005) Textbook on the Philippine Constitution. Quezon City: REX Printing Company, Inc.
3.   Zaide, S.M. (1991). Political Science. Metro Manila: National Book Store, Inc.

C.     Instructional Materials
PPT of lesson, handouts
PPT of lesson, handouts
PPT of lesson, handouts
PPT of lesson, handouts
Examination paper
D.     Strategies & Methods
Cooperative Learning ;
Stay and Stray
Cooperative Learning;
Group Investigation
Direct & Indirect Instruction
Reflective Discussion; Individual study
Direct & Indirect Instruction
Brainstorming; Reflective Discussion


A.   Reviewing  previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Present the new lesson with apperception for the student to have an idea before the lesson.
Review the previous lesson (volunteer/called/assigned  student)
Review the previous lesson (volunteer/called/assigned  student)
Review the  previous lesson (volunteer/called/assigned  student)

B.   Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Presentation of the objectives of the lesson for the day
Presentation of the objectives of the lesson for the day
Presentation of the objectives of the lesson for the day
Presentation of the objectives of the lesson for the day

I)     Presenting examples/Instances of the new lesson
Activity 1 : Present a Power Point Presentation about the Legislative Branch
Activity 1 : Present a Power Point presentation about Congressional electoral tribunal,  commission on appointments, and powers of Congress
Activity : Present a Power Point presentation about Legislative Power and Process. The teacher explain it to the student

Let the students bring out their notes and review for the upcoming examination

II)  Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills
Activity 2 : Explain the method that will be used
Activity 3: Divide the student into some groups (home group). Give the instruction for the activity wherein each groups will be given a specific topic to discuss.

Activity 2 : Explain the method that will be used
Activity 3 : Divide the student into some groups and give them the topic to discuss, each group have a different topic
Making of the critique paper as performance task

Activity : The student will have their examination under the determined time
III)               Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Activity 4 :Study  in a group and highlight important points
Activity 5 : Some student have to stray to the other groups for information sharing, and some student will stay in home group to explain their topic to the guests
Activity 4 : Identify the elements of the topic as a group

Making of the critique paper as performance task

Recitation log will be used to record the participation of students in the class discussion

IV)   Developing mastery
(Leads to formative assessment 3)
Activity 6: The student will go back to the home group and share the information they have gathered  from the other groups
Activity 5 : presentation of  their group result, and the other groups can  ask them questions or responses
Making of the critique paper as performance task

V)      Finding practical applications of concepts
How are the concepts manifested or applied in the real life scenario?
How are the concepts manifested or applied in the real life scenario?
Making of the critique paper as performance task
How are the concepts manifested or applied in the real life scenario?

VI)   Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
A student shall be called to give a summary of the lesson
A student shall be called to give a summary of the lesson
Making of the critique paper as performance task
A student shall be called to give a summary of the lesson

VII)      Evaluating learning
Outline the topic discussed through a mind map.
The analysis activity serves as the evaluation of the topic of the day
The critique paper as performance task
Q & A shall be used to assess the students learnings for the day
VIII)    Additional activities for application and remediation



A.      No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment

B.      No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation

C.      Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson

D.   No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E.   Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work

F.   What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve

G.  What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers

Prepared by                                                                                                                                                          Noted and checked by                                                                                      
Glynn Jhoy B. Vicente-Tayaban                                                                                                                               Leonardo T. Zambrano                                                                                                               
Teacher (Philippine Politics and Governance)                                                                                                          Assistant Secondary School Principal II                                                              
Senior High School, Baguio City National High School                                                                                         Senior High School, Baguio City National High School                                                                                  


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